‘Above there is heaven; below there is Hangzhou and Suzhou.’
Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and a gem in China’s crown. It is still very authentic and photography here focuses on the rich cultural heritage and breathtaking surroundings.

Photo tours ensure that you see the best sights that Hangzhou has to offer to make the most of your time here. Your friends and family will be amazed by your pictures of a place still quite unknown globally, but more stunning because of that rarity.

That’s not to say that Hangzhou is underdeveloped; on the contrary, you’re likely to see more supercars here than in London or Monte Carlo and there are plenty of Western stores such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton. The development has been well managed though, retaining the city’s Chinese charm and aesthetic uniqueness.

Photographers, poets and artists have loved Hangzhou for many years, and with the city’s continuous improvement, creating great art here is becoming easier than ever.

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